Culture and Politics

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 We Cannot Discount the Role of the Humanities in our Pursuit of Equality and Fight Against Fascism
Culture and Politics Evelyn Engblade Culture and Politics Evelyn Engblade

 We Cannot Discount the Role of the Humanities in our Pursuit of Equality and Fight Against Fascism

While our political situation may be dire, we are not without options, choices, and chances. In order to help advance equality, people need to ask questions, read books, talk to their neighbors, friends, family and consider enrolling in a Humanities course. The enemy of ignorance lies within this companionship, and communication. People should continue to strive and advocate for equity and equal access to education, and continue to disrupt established systems that benefit the elite. Ensuring more equal access to education may help in promoting the democracy that you desire to see and live in and will help everyone to appreciate the important role of the humanities 

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WNBA Stands Against Misogny, Homophobia of Trump and Republicans
Culture and Politics Tim Libretti Culture and Politics Tim Libretti

WNBA Stands Against Misogny, Homophobia of Trump and Republicans

While the Supreme Court turned back 50 years of progress represented by Roe v. Wade, let’s recognize, celebrate, and support the efforts that continue to move us forward — and the organizations such as the WNBA and the Chicago Sky that do so — and that show us in concrete and lived ways the value of actually existing democracy and democratic culture such as one experiences in the WNBA.

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Revisiting Richard Wright’s NATIVE SON to Understand Why Americans Choose Fascism
Culture and Politics Tim Libretti Culture and Politics Tim Libretti

Revisiting Richard Wright’s NATIVE SON to Understand Why Americans Choose Fascism

Through his representation of Bigger Thomas in Native Son, Wright explores an African American population he diagnoses as hanging in a political balance, capable of turning either toward a brutal fascism or a more progressive liberatory politics.  What will determine which way African America will turn? Wright brings us beyond questions of right and wrong and even of ideological preference to get to a perhaps more fundamental dynamic as he explores this question.

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“All I Asking for Is My Body”: The Common Politics of Reproductive and Worker Rights
Culture and Politics Tim Libretti Culture and Politics Tim Libretti

“All I Asking for Is My Body”: The Common Politics of Reproductive and Worker Rights

There are fundamental politics undergirding both women’s and workers’ liberation movements: Both movements entail a basic goal of reclaiming control over one’s own body. Both, at bottom, imagine freedom in terms of bodily autonomy as a key element of self-determination.

Recognizing this fundamental and shared politics is especially urgent at this political and historical moment which calls for men in particular and our culture at large to recognize that reproductive or abortion rights as more than simply women’s issue but an issue that impacts us all.

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WNBA Stands Against Misogny, Homophobia of Trump and Republicans
Culture and Politics Tim Libretti Culture and Politics Tim Libretti

WNBA Stands Against Misogny, Homophobia of Trump and Republicans

While the Supreme Court turned back 50 years of progress represented by Roe v. Wade, let’s recognize, celebrate, and support the efforts that continue to move us forward — and the organizations such as the WNBA and the Chicago Sky that do so — and that show us in concrete and lived ways the value of actually existing democracy and democratic culture such as one experiences in the WNBA.

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