Features and Essays
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Revisiting American History X to Pose a Potentially Transformative Question: Does White Male Supremacy Make White Americans’ Lives Better?
The transformation of hearts and minds will require a profound cultural transformation, and promoting important stories that can define and inform a national self-consciousness and identity and narrate a new direction is one key element of this project of cultural transformation.
Our nation collectively, but especially white America, needs to confront and work through psychotherapeutically the deep cultural and collective mental illness of white male supremacy to understand why it’s damaging to the interests and well-being of white Americans and all Americans. We need stories that help us work this poison out of our cultural bloodstream.
One story that comes to mind is the 1998 movie American History X, directed by Tony Kaye and written by David McKenna.
On the “Conscience Vote” and the Role of Electoral Politics for the Revolutionary-Minded
I am not suggesting we not act with conscience per se, but I am suggesting that the call on conscience tends to root us in an individualist stance that removes us from our relationship with the many others in our world and prevents us from seriously imagining the impact of our voting behavior on their lives. We might just need a different term, maybe something like “social justice” or the “public good” which takes us out of our individual sense of rightness to think in broader terms. Indeed, the very problem with neo-liberalism is its evacuation of the concept of a public good, its denial of its very validity, as it insists we are motivated only by private interests.
Puerto Ricans Discovered Trump’s Hangman.Will the Rest of America?
Puerto Ricans discovered in Trump and Vance the Hangman coming for them, but we all need to see that the hate informing the Trump-Vance campaign is not reserved for any one group. You don’t even have to look that closely to see through this illusion that only certain groups–certain “others” and not “us”-- are the targets of their hate.
On this Labor Day, remembering Mister Rogers as an advocate for labor and its love
Mister Rogers was, in addition to being a fierce advocate for children, was a staunch advocate for labor, helping us to understand the work we all do as expressions of mutual care, of love. While workers have struggled for centuries seeking recognition and justice for their labor (“the history of all hitherto existing society is the history of class struggle”), perhaps Mister Rogers’ vision can help us understand the love that our collective labors are so that, as a society, we can collectively show some love to labor.
Guns and Democracy: Do They really go together?
The gun is the tool for denying others the inalienable rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.And we can see the gun functioning as the tool individuals use to act of their hate of others — and this hate must be seen as a chief passion undermining democracy, the democratic rights of others and all.
What Is Real Economic Democracy?
Indeed, most of us have little say in how our work is organized, what gets produced in our factories, how resources are used and distributed. In short, we are not involved in making most of the key decisions about how our world is run. We tend as a culture and people not to think about democracy in the arena of the workplace and of production more generally.
When Trump and Republicans Seek to Destroy Public Education, They Undermine Democracy and Human Rights
We need a comprehensive national education policy as well as federal legislation to guarantee and enforce this human right by, in part, mandating adequate budgeting and insisting education funding be a priority.
Thus far, all signs point to the fact that a Democratic leadership in Washington, D.C. will be necessary to achieve these goals. Republicans have long called for eliminating the Department of Education.